Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Losing Our Minds

Our friend Dr. Dennis Chang warned us that by around a month, we would both be zombies. The fact is, we haven't had more than 4-5 hours of continuous sleep since Angelina came into the world. 4-5 hours would be a treat. Most of our sleep is in the 2-3 hour range, and 10, 15-minute cat naps during the day when possible. According to Dennis, we never really hit deep sleep (or was it REM, I forget), and so we're not getting real rest. Something like that - I'm sure there's a more scientific way to frame it.

Well, there is real evidence that we have lost our minds. We had heard before of people like my brother-in-law Jonathan going out of the house with mis-matched shoes, due to pure exhaustion. It's happening to us.

Going out of the house now is a major undertaking. I can't believe that we used to just walk out the door with keys, wallet, blackberry, and phone in pocket. That's it. Out the door. Out the door into the Upper Westside, out the door into our garage here in West LA. Now, it takes about half an hour to prepare everything - diaper bag with every contingency imaginable, stroller, car seat, etc. The timing has to be perfect also. If Lina is in a bad mood, she'll go into the car seat in a bad mood, and takes a while to calm down in the car.

On Sunday, we were getting ready to head out to my high school and college friend Jen Tsai's wedding in Pasadena. As I was headed for the door, after taking care of the aforementioned preparations, I realized that I didn't have my phone. I roamed around the apartment muttering, "#$%!, I never ever mis-place my phone at home, where could it possibly be? I can't believe this is happening now!" Liz suggested I call it with my blackberry phone - ring ring ring - something is buzzing in my pocket. Yes, my right pocket. Liz said, "who has time for this," as we headed for the door with everything in tow.

After leaving our apartment and walking down the hall towards the elevator, Liz noticed that her feet felt...well, different. She looked down and realized that she had two different sandals on - a gold one and a black one! I, of course, said, "oh, who has time for this?," as she ran back to the apartment to pick up the right shoe. Yes, we are really losing our minds.

Btw, one of the things we have to pack into her car seat is this "Cloud B" soothing sheep. It is a stuffed animal - sheep - with speakers inside with ambient noise options - Rain, Ocean, etc. Here's a picture of it. Jonathan and Emily gave it to Lina...extremely helpful.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! i LOVE reading/stalking your blog. always gives me a moment to laugh out loud in the middle of craziness (eventhough i've already heard the stories from liz or else i've already previously read the post!). :)
and yes...my mind has been lost for 5 years now. can't wait to see when i'll get it back!

minjuice said...

i love your response to liz's mismatched sandals, hahaha. also love that these posts about what a handful lina is are accompanied by a photo of her looking sweet & complacent. every time i've seen her in real life, too, she seems very mellow.

minjuice said...
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Wendy said...

I'm so glad you are documenting your thoughts on being a new parent. Everything you post resonates with us... : ) Everything we thought but never put down in writing. Pretty funny stuff. She was already the cutest thing as a newborn...she's getting prettier and prettier if that's possible!

Jackie said...

I went all the way to a doctor's appointment a few months ago with one black shoe and one brown shoe. My mind was lost even before Parker came along!