Sunday, June 01, 2008

Almost a month

Radio silence because our beautiful "benevolent dictator" has been keeping her subjects (me and Liz) quite busy and beat down...Can't believe it's been nearly a month! Here are some recent pics. She's in a pretty good mood here...

Here's Angelina being reflective in this motion glider. Some "experts" claim that it's bad to get the kid "addicted" or reliant on an automated motion thing. Who cares. Whatever works!

My sister, Joanna, finally came down from Berkeley. Angelina, as you can see, is thrilled to meet her Auntie for the first time. = )


minjuice said...

i love that first pic of lina! she looks so happy :)

Jo said...

maan. she was hungry when i was holding her! she was totally making faces with me and smiling after her feeding just twenty minutes after that picture. i promise i'll come and read her polish jewish history soon!

Anonymous said...

can't stop looking at the first pic!!! SO cute!!! :)

euni said...

everyone already said.. but the picture is so cute =)yay for smiles!