Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Pacifier

I have to admit, the first time we tried a pacifier on Lina, something didn't sit right with me. It seemed like trickery - there obviously isn't any milk coming through it, but the poor thing thinks there is. Well, not my daughter. She full on rejected it - spit it out of her mouth and made a huge scowl. Fatherly pride swelled up within me - no daughter of mine will be fooled into accepting a fake bill of goods, or whatever that phrase is. She will be an independent thinker and won't be a mindless consumer/pawn at the mercy of Corporate America. She will fight for her rights and won't accept all of her government's decisions on foreign policy without questioning motives and other factors. Ok, going overboard.

After several days of fussiness, I am begging God to let Lina accept the pacifier! Anything that works! To be fair, actually, Liz pointed out that the sucking motion is actually soothing to babies. So, it's not just pure trickery. There is a real and legit purpose to it.


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! that ADORABLE face!!!! i LOVE it! :D
and yes...YAY for the pacifier...soothe, soothe, soothe... seriously, whatever works.

rly said...

this is a great blog! very interesting and funny!

hi lina! you're so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

hahaha. i'm cracking up reading your entry. yes, a pacifier is great. it helps calm the baby down which is def something helpful to you 'rents. :)

euni said...

soooooooooooo cute!

Anonymous said...

sucking and rooting is also the beginning of building up those muscles for speech! :) yay lina!

Leonard Chen said...

fiveu, great tip! Thanks! I guess our current President didn't do much sucking as a baby...j/k - you guys have to come meet Lina soon!