Tuesday, September 02, 2008

4 months

September 3, 2008 - Four months. Another month. I'm back-logged on photos, so here's a whole bunch of the little benevolent dictator. I wanted to write a post to coincide with this milestone describing the "top 5 (good) things that nobody tells you about before you have a kid" and the "top 5 (bad) things" but I'm too tired right now so I'll save it for later or never. Four months is significant for a couple of reasons. For one, we are now able to "sleep train." (what the heck is that?) More on that later, especially if we do it.


Wendy said...

what a beauty and a cutie!

Anonymous said...

4 months is a milestone! miss you all... with some of those photos, it looks like i can reach out and pinch her cheeks! =)


Anonymous said...

she looks like she doesn't have a care in the world. so sweet.

thegreenlight said...
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Anonymous said...

liiiiinnnaa! :)

can't wait to see her!